Sunday 15 July 2012

Team Update #3

The team just returned to the cabins after attending and participating in a local church service. After holding a time of worship, the church gave the team the opportunity to lead several worship songs, perform a drama and share a testimony.

"I thought it was really interesting how they really got into their worship and they had their own separate groups to go up and sing," team member Hallie Tripler said. "It wasn't just the same group."

Team members A.J. Taylor and Shelby Uhler led a short time of worship before the drama team performed the "Bring Me to Life" drama that they had learned during Training Camp.

"The skit is about a person who is constantly rejecting God and trying to do things on her own," group leader Sara Golden said. "She tries to do all these things and ends up with all this baggage. It gets too much for her and she eventually gives into the love of God and the freedom he supplies." 

The team members really enjoyed watching their fellow believers worship along even when they couldn't understand the language. The part of the service with the most impact for many of the XI team members was the reaction of the congregation during the skit which presented the gospel.

"The guy behind me kept saying, 'That's Jesus!' and he got really excited and he kept translating the words on the cards to the people around him," Hallie said. "Then in the end he said, 'Jesus is waiting for her, Jesus is waiting for her, he wants her!' And he understood what we were saying with the skit."

Group leader Tom Kodel followed the drama with his testimony and a short message in which he presented the gospel and encouraged the believers in their faith.

"It was a real honor to speak to the church and to the community of Palm Metto this morning," Tom said. "Being able to share my life and the word of God with people is always exciting for me and is something I just can't get enough of. I was so blown away by the kindness of the people at the church and the way they received us openly. It was awesome to see them being blessed by us and us by them. Being able to join in with them in worship was with out a doubt life-changing." 
*pictures taken by Shelby Uhler

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