Saturday 14 July 2012

Team Update #2

It's been one week since everyone arrived at Liberty for Training Camp.  Although plans have changed slightly in what the group is doing during their time here, everyone is doing very well and enjoying the work they are doing here in the Bahamas.
"Every day a group of about seven go to Ingrim's Inn, the old motel where all the campers are housed, to work the kitchen, the snack bar and the other odd jobs around the camp," Tyler Milton wrote to his parents. "Then the rest of the group stays at the Property, the collection of cabins where all the missionaries stay, to work on construction, laundry, painting and stuff like that."
The team members are taking turns visiting Ingrim's Inn, where they have the chance to observe the campers as they go through their day at Camp Bahamas.

"The kids are like really excited about being there and they were really excited about worshiping. It made me  feel bad for Christians in the States because we get spoon fed everything, even worship music," A.J. said. "You don't really get passionate like they do." 
The team has been extremely patient as the plans for the days have been changing on a regular basis. Everyone has been incredibly good with helping wherever there is a need without a complaint, regardless of what they are asked to do.

"So far, I haven't really had anyone really complaining whenever I've asked them to do something," group leader Morgan Leeper said. 
The team has spent the last few days working on projects around the camp and going to Vacation Bible School (VBS) to play with some of the local kids.

Each boy was a good sport and allowed six and seven year old little girls to use face paint on them.

"I thought it was funny, I was a pretty girl. They changed my name to Kyla," Kyle Wendel said. "When I got home I tried washing it off in the ocean for a half hour and in the shower and it still didn't come off." 

When asked if he would do it over again, Kyle hesitated slightly before smiling and saying yes.

Kristen Kinker began interacting with a seven year old girl named Alicia at the park that the team went to visit yesterday afternoon. After asking about family, friends and where she went to church, Kristen began to ask Alicia some questions about the gospel.

"She seemed to know the right answers when I would ask her these questions. So, I asked her if she had ever prayed, just confessing what she believed to God and inviting Jesus into her life and her heart, and she said no," Kristen said. "So, the Holy Spirit just pushed on my heart to go back to her and ask her if she wanted to pray. And she said yes, so right then ad there we prayed together and even though she's young, at least that seed was planted. Because I know in my own testimony I was 'saved' when I was 8 but that seed was planted and later on I really understood what that meant." 

Today is the teams day of resting after running full speed ahead since Training Camp began on Saturday. The team leaders gave everyone the chance to sleep in a little bit, although most of the team woke up early out of habit. Team members are enjoying some time hanging out and relaxing over breakfast and having devotions out on the beach. The rest of the day will include cleaning out the cabins we are staying in and then some team building games out on the beach. 

(Team members not in the picture were working at the camp when it was taken)
Picture taken by Shelby Uhler

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