Wednesday 11 July 2012

Team Bahamas Days 1 and 2

The XI Bahamas team arrived Monday night at Camp Bahamas after a long day of travel.

The team loaded up on a bus to travel to Ronald Reagan National Airport around 11 p.m. Saturday night after going through a full day of Training Camp. After about 19 hours of travel, the team moved into a row of small, colorful cabins on the beach.

On Tuesday, the team was split into four groups and given maintenance jobs to do around the camp. The teams cleared and burned brush from the front of the property, organized tool sheds, tackled mountains of laundry, cleaned up the camp gym and worked in the camp kitchen. One of the teams went to serve meals to the campers at the main dining hall. 

"It looked like it (collecting and burning the brush) was going to be a really difficult job, but with all of us working so diligently, it got done a lot quicker than we expected," Tyler Milton said. 

The team spent some time in the water between jobs. Several team members paired up and explored the area in kayaks while others played water games. While they enjoyed the break, every team member expressed a desire to return to the jobs that they had been working on.

"Even in our down time we still wanted to get the job done," Tyler Milton said.

The evening ended with a team devotional, which included several students sharing their testimonies and what the Lord has been teaching them on the trip so far.

Wednesdaywas spent doing more projects around the camp and then spending time with the local children at a park. The children were thrilled to have the chance to play kickball, basketball and other games with the team. Several of the team members made balloon animals for the younger children.

Dinner has just finished and the team is cleaning up after a long day before heading out to the beach for a bonfire.

Everyone is doing very well and they all say hello to their families!

*The following pictures were taken by Shelby Uhler

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Brittany, for the updates! I really appreciate all that you guys are doing! I'm Morgan Leeper's mom and I am praying for the whole team!
